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Crafting Memorable Middle Grade Stories with Lynne Kelly$412

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  • 1xCrafting Memorable Middle Grade Stories with Lynne Kelly$412

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About Lynne Kelly:

Lynne Kelly's career as a sign language interpreter has taken her everywhere from classrooms to hospitals to Alaskan cruises. Her 2019 novel SONG FOR A WHALE, about a deaf girl named Iris who forms an unlikely bond with the "loneliest whale in the world," has been described as "finely crafted," "important," and "uplifting" by reviewers from Publishers Weekly, Kirkus, and School Library Journal. SONG FOR A WHALE received the 2020 Schneider Family Book Award and was names one of the best books of the year by New York Public Library. She lives near Houston, Texas. Find her online at and on Twitter @lynnekelly.
